Implant Dentistry

Free Implant Consultation

Are Implants Right for Me?

If you are missing one tooth or several teeth and are just starting your tooth replacement journey, then booking a Free Implant consultation with Dr. Gonzalez is your first step.

The consultation is an important step because it gives our team the opportunity to do a thorough oral examination and discuss your smile. During the discussion, we will also review your medical and dental history, discuss your goals, concerns and much more.

If you would like to learn more about dental implants or to schedule an appointment for a FREE consultation and initial X-ray, reach out to us today or call us at 305-223-0072.

We look forward to helping you with more information about dental implants.

Bone Grafting

Jawbone Resorption

Our teeth play a very important role in the health of our jawbone. Regular chewing and biting provide the stimulation that is needed by the jawbone in order to maintain its health. When a permanent tooth is lost, jawbone resorption begins almost immediately and causes many problems, including:

– A sunken, sullen facial profile
– Wrinkling of the skin.
– Damage to remaining teeth
– TMJ pain and headache
– Nutritional deficiencies
– Speech problems

What is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is often required to support a dental implant.  It is the process of building up the bone in areas where resorption has occurred. When teeth are missing and not attached to the jaw, the bone is not stimulated and can quickly weaken — so much so that it might not be able to support dental implants when you are ready to have the teeth replaced. During this routine procedure, we implant donor bone (or a synthetic material) into the jaw, encouraging the body to grow new bone in its place.

With bone grafting, we now have the opportunity to not only replace bone where it is missing, but also the ability to promote new bone growth in that location! This not only gives us the opportunity to place implants of proper length and width, it also gives us a chance to restore functionality and esthetic appearance.

Types of Bone Graft Materials

Many patients want to know where the donated bone will come from. This depends largely on the details of each case, but in general, bone graft materials come from:

– The patient’s own bone (chin, hip, leg or skull) – Autogenous Bone
– Human cadavers – Allogenic Bone
– Bovine (cow) sources – Xenogenic Bone

Traditionally the bone grafting process involved  removing a piece of bone from another part of the patient’s jaw or body and transplanting it into the jawbone. Alternative options today include obtaining bone from a cadaver (Allogenic Bone) source or an animal source (Xenogenic Bone) to replace the missing bone.  These options provide less morbidity to the patient, prevents a second surgical site, and are just as successful.

Bone Graft Healing

The bone grafting procedure is quite comfortable and typically takes no more than an hour. Once the bone graft is placed, the surgical site is left alone to heal for several months while the bone rebuilds. Some patients experience mild soreness lasting for a few days following the procedure, but are typically able to minimize the discomfort using over-the-counter pain medications.

Implant  Placement

Dental Implants are the closest possible option for actual tooth replacement. With proper care, maintenance, and regular checkup visits, they are designed to last for life. Dental implants can be used to permanently replace one, several, or all teeth in the upper and lower jaw. Many people with implants can’t even tell the difference between their natural teeth and their implants, and neither can their friends and family!

For patients missing or soon to be missing single or multiple teeth, Dental Implant Restorations are the ideal solution. There are multiple treatment options to consider when replacing a missing tooth, but dental implants are a permanent, worry-free solution.

Once placed in the jawbone, dental implants act as artificial tooth roots to provide a stable base for single-tooth crowns, larger bridges, or dentures. Dr. Gonzalez is proud to offer dental implants as a treatment option for our patients.

Contact us today to schedule a FREE implant consultation with Dr. Gonzalez and find out if implants are right for you.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small titanium screws that are implanted into the jawbone and capped with a natural-looking crown to replace missing teeth. Because titanium is able to fuse or “osseointegrate” with bone, the dental implant becomes just as sturdy as a natural tooth over a period of a few months, allowing patients to eat, laugh and enjoy life without restrictions.

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth and also provide a fixed solution to having removable partial or complete dentures.  The porcelain crowns attached to implants are very natural looking and often enhance or restore a patient’s smile! Implants provide excellent support and stability for these dental appliances.

Overdenture with All On 4 Dental Implants

The “All On 4” dental implant treatment involves surgically placing four implants. The implants are used to support a fixed denture, or overdenture and maintain your jaw’s structural integrity. The four implants osseointegrate or fuse with the jawbone to mimic the pressure that would be placed on it by your natural teeth.

The name “All On” comes from the fact that the fixed dentures or overdentures are all resting on these four implants, rather than needing an implant for each missing tooth.

Sometimes we may recommend the “All on 6” treatment, which is similar to “All on 4” except it requires the placement of two additional implants. The two additional implants are strategically placed in the jaw to help with strength and support. Both “All on 4” and “All on 6” help restore an entire smile in just a fraction of the time. This approach helps your mouth heal faster and is less expensive than replacing all missing teeth with an individual implant.

Someone who was previously unable to afford to replace an entire mouth of missing teeth can now restore their smile at a fraction of the cost. It sounds too good to be true, but we’ve helped many patients do just that thanks to this innovative treatment.

What To Expect with “All on 4”

The surgery itself takes about two hours and can be completed entirely in our office under local anesthesia. Because all of the implants are placed at the same time, it is a great option for anyone that isn’t fond of the dentist and just wants to get it all done at once, or has a busy schedule and wants to get the process completed in as few appointments as possible.

Using traditional implants to replace an entire set of teeth typically requires about 12 implants, bone grafting, and at least six months of healing before your mouth is ready for overdentures. With the All On 4 dental implant approach, the implants and temporary dentures are installed at the same time, and permanent dentures are ready within 3-6 months.

Is “All on 4” Right For You?

Dr. Gonzalez and his team will work with you to determine whether you are a good candidate for the All On 4 treatment. We will use digital X-rays, as well as 3D imaging to determine if your mouth is strong enough to support dental implants.

Interested in the “All On” approach to restore your smile? Contact us and schedule your FREE implant consultation to get more information.

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Office Location

8512 SW 40th St, Miami, FL 33155